A supper and meeting was held on June 10, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. in the Letcher Community Center. Approximately 120 were in attendance. A free will donation supper was planned by Jane and Chuck Amick and Nancy Kelly. Several alumni helped with the setup, serving, and cleanup. Les Blindauer donated some of the meat and Renee Northrup May made a generous donation prior to the event. Buns for the meal were baked and donated by Faye Johnson Blindauer, daughter of Beverly Halling Johnson. Thanks to the generous donations received from those who attended, the expenses were covered and a donation was made to the Town of Letcher for the use of the Community Center and to the Town and Kountry 4-H club for serving coffee and rolls on Saturday morning. The remaining donation money was added to the Alumni Association bank account. Nancy Kelly gave every alumnus a Letcher Tiger imprinted gift.
Graduates were present from all over SD and many states including California, Washington, Virginia, Arkansas, Illinois, Colorado and Iowa.
Linda Francis, Vice-President called the meeting to order and Myron Sonne did recognitions. The oldest graduate present was Maurine VanWalleghen Uhre. Lois Clarambeau and family and Eldeen Anderson Stekl and family had all present and several families had all of the children in the family there.
Anniversary classes were recognized. The classes of 1972-73-74 and 1983 had special gatherings to celebrate.
A moment of silence was held for all the alumni we have lost in the last 2 years.
All who served in the military were recognized.
Myron Sonne asked for all who were his students to be recognized. Quite a few were in attendance.
The microphone was passed and everyone in attendance introduced themselves.
The minutes from the 2021 meeting and a financial report were given and accepted. A unanimous vote to retain the same officers for 2025 was passed. Volunteers are needed to relieve the officers in the future. We need some graduates from the 1980’s and later to step forward and assist if this organization is to have a future.
The members were reminded of the set schedule of gatherings every odd year on the second weekend of June. Some letters are mailed out but due to lack of correct addresses and expense; social media, the letcheralumni.com website and making note of the date in advance is the best way to be informed of future celebrations. Please send your classmates a reminder, a personal message from you is the best way to get others to come. The next alumni gathering will be June 14, 2025.
Harvey Fouberg has had some slides from the Letcher Church taken by Rev Jack Brooks many years ago turned into digital media and they were available for viewing during the weekend.
The meeting was them adjourned and guests remained to enjoy a social evening visiting with former classmates.
Respectfully submitted,
Jane Kelly Amick